Major e-REC platform dashboard update!

We are excited to announce our most advanced release of the e-REC platform dashboard so far! Check out our newest features after our recent e-REC platform dashboard update. We now show the counting cases per general condition group of the electronic REporting of new Conditions (e-REC) platform on the homepage of the login site. Special thanks goes to Mariya Cherenko, our Data Manager, Ana Priego Zurita, our Quality Manager, and to our platform developer Mihai Bulaicon for advancing the registries to a new stage. Go to the login site to check out the new features yourself! No account yet? Register as a new user and get one.

Join Our Registries

We warmly invite all health care providers that provide care to patients with rare endocrine, bone and mineral conditions to register their patients in our registries (EuRREB – European Registries for Rare Endocrine and Bone conditions), because the registries are open for any expert center with an interest to collaborate and the data are available to all researchers who request them.

Patient Participation

We also invite patients with these rare conditions to reach out to us, or their health care providers, as our platform has a patient platform as well. In this platform patients can register their own outcomes, designed in collaboration with our patient representatives and active users. Are you a patient and want to know more about our registries? Please find our Patient Information Sheet and FAQ’s on our Patient Information page.

New Improvements

But wait, there is more! We have made significant enhancements to streamline data entry, including the ability to hide questions if a symptom is not present. Plus, our improved layout and contrast ensure seamless navigation, while updates to specific modules cater to studies like the Pain in OI study.

Annual Reports

Want to know more about the numbers? Read our 2024 Annual reports for the e-REC and Core Registry.

Please help us to identify the next improvements! Contact us at: