Celebrating Success!
Our EuRREB Symposium 2024 was a great success! Held on Monday April 22nd at the Radisson Blu hotel in Milan, Italy, it was an incredible gathering of passionate individuals dedicated to advancing research and improving the quality of patient care in rare endocrine and bone conditions. Our EuRREB symposium 2024 was attended by 90 people (nearly 60 people in person and over 30 people online) from 22 different countries and made the event a resounding success!
Please check out our dissemination page and revisit our enlightening sessions:
Video recordings and slides are now available for viewing!
A special thanks to all our esteemed speakers who shared their insights, expertise, and valuable perspectives. Their contributions were truly invaluable and contributed immensely to the enriching discussions throughout the day.
We got to listen to different perspectives on the registries; from clinicians, researchers and patients. Our two different registries were discussed; e-REC and Core Registry, and some of our condition specific modules. We had a special guest from the French National Rare Disease Registry (Arnaud Sandrin from BNDMR, France) and we closed the symposium with a roundtable discussion, where a lot of overarching topics like ethics were discussed.
Thank you once again to all of our attendees, speakers, e-PAG’s and stakeholders for making the EuRREB Symposium 2024 a memorable and impactful experience.
Let’s continue to collaborate, innovate, and drive positive change for our patients!